Senior Software Engineer - DevTools, Open Source, Python

100% remoto desde cualquier lugar del mundo
Jornada completa
$80,000 - $180,000

Descripción del puesto de trabajo

Job Description

Strong Python knowledge and excellent coding culture (standards, unit test, etc) are required. Alternatively, strong skill in other languages along with some knowledge of Python is also acceptable.


Discuss and research issues, features, new products.
Write code (see some PR examples).
Write docs if needed for your code (see this repo).
Being actively involved with the community - talk to users on Github, Discord, forum.


Must have
Motivation and interest
Remote work self-discipline
Excellent communication skills - clear, constructive, and respectful dialog with other team members, community.
Can focus and deliver a task w/o constantly switching to other stuff - respect team's planning, deadlines, etc


Great to have
Experience working remotely
Open source contributions or experience of maintaining, developing an open source project
System programming experience - kernel, databases, etc.
Machine learning or data science experience


Puesto de trabajo: Programador/a
Conocimientos/habilidades: Informática, Machine Learning, Python

Tipo de empleo

Jornada completa, 100% remoto.


Cualquier lugar del mundo.


$80,000 - $180,000/año.


Publicada 25/11/2022
324 visualizaciones
16 inscritos

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